JAMAICA! Once You Go, You Just Know

BeachMany people think of the Caribbean as a single destination, often a distinction between the islands are neglected, many people think that going to one island means you have been to them all! And that is so not so!!! Jamaica is in no way a common Caribbean destination, in fact we have a long history beginning with Tainos to banana boats, a distinct people with a very colourful culture, from our artworks, to food and ohhhh the rhythmic music (Yes I just sang that!!!). Our diverse attractions does include our sun, sand and sea along with the rich cultural legacies of our ancestors, our fashion and yes our style. Talking about my country just gets me all fuzzy and warm inside… 🙂

But why should you get married here? I could think up a tonne of reasons but I’ll just go with my favourite reasons to wed in Jamaica.

1. It just makes absolutely perfect sense – Jamaica has some of the most beautiful and romantic locations in the Caribbean. Glowing white sandy beaches, villas and Great Houses, majestic gardens and ambiance – Jamaica should mean weddings!!!

2. Takes the edge off when combining two families – No where else says “No Problem Mon” like Jamaica and it’s the only fool-proof way of relaxing the new in-laws. 🙂 Take my word for it I got married here almost a year ago… *BLISS*

3. Everybody loves a Jamaican destination wedding – Given ample time your guests will thank you for the vacay, the celebrations and the fun they’ll have with you on your wedding day (week) and besides you get to show off your fabulous taste in destination selection… \o/

4. WeddingMoons! – Someone got the awesomest idea ever of merging wedding and honeymoon into this one fantastic word, I’ll just write it again, WeddingMoon! I just love that word. LoL!!! Back to business, planning a WeddingMoon means you get more time to spend in Jamaica and after celebrating with your loved ones and friends you get to zip away to a different part of the island or resort for another type of Jamaican experience.

5. 3 Counties, 14 Parishes – Jamaica is roughly the size of Connecticut, which means many locations to choose from to suit your style and most importantly you as a couple.

6. You get in touch with your Romantic Side Jamaica has the ability to turn the romantically impaired into a romantic connoisseur. With the beauty which surrounds you, it is truly hard to keep yourself from delving in and releasing your softer side. I’ve seen men come out of their shells and show their soon-to-be wives a side of them they never knew existed. Jamaica just does that to you… ;-)

Photo from Michael Saab

Photo from Michael Saab

Getting married in Jamaica would be a perfect way to begin penning a new chapter of your lives together… And yes that was the romantic in me talking. What can I say I just absolutely love weddings!!!

I look forward to hearing from you so drop us a line right here


WP ListWe’re a little late today, because it’s a holiday and I sooo lost track of the time. So let’s go through the last of the tips for our newly engaged couples.

6. Research – This one is twofold. So many of the things involved in planning a wedding happen all at once. So get ready!!! First and foremost, if you didn’t already hire a wedding planner during the first 5 steps, I strongly suggest you consider one. They will be able to give you excellent recommendations and will save you lots of time and frustration.

  • Vendors: Researching potential vendors is HUGE. There are so many amazing wedding professionals out there now, and you want time to be able to choose the right ones for you. You definitely don’t want to be rushed, but at the same time, time is of the essence. When you’re researching, I recommend that you check out the vendor’s portfolio, bio and pricing info. Feel free to do research on every single type of vendor you need, but the ones that are crucial and book up quickly are the Photographer, Videographer, and caterer. Moving on, the next steps are going to pertain to these 3 things. (After you’ve completed the following steps for the previously mentioned vendors, then you’ll move on to your entertainment, floral/event decor, rentals, invitations, and cake. And then you’ll go on to hair and makeup, transportation, tux rentals, favors, and any extras.)

Part 2 of Research is…

  • WEDDING DRESS!: Yes, it’s in caps because it’s *that* exciting! Isn’t it pretty much the very first thing you wanted to do?! I mean, come on, who doesn’t like wedding dresses? But in all seriousness, you want to be sure that you research the types of dresses you like and the stores that carry them.

7. Inquire With and Interview Vendors – So by now you’ve done your research and you know what vendors you like. Now it’s time to contact the vendor, find out if they’re available for your date, check on their pricing (if you want to), and schedule a consultation. The vendors will get to know you, you’ll get to know them, you’ll get down to business, and then you let them know in a few days if you want to hire them or not! I recommend meeting with up to three of each type of vendor- one if you already absolutely love them and they sell you right away, two if you’re pretty set but want to know other options, and three if you’re not sure. It just really depends on you, your decision making skills, and your taste.

8. Hire Your Vendors – Of course the next step is to pull the trigger and hire one of those vendors that you’ve met and fallen in love with. After your consultations, try to let vendors know your decision a week or two from when they provide you with an estimate/proposal. And then hooray! You’re one step closer to your wedding day! Important note: Once you’ve hired someone, please let the other vendors that you met with know that you won’t be going with them. I know it sucks to do it and yes, you might feel awkward, but it has to be done- they have to know! A nice, simple email will suffice. Plus it’s courteous 😉

9. WEDDING DRESS! – Alright, so you have some of your vendors booked… now it’s time to take a break and go wedding dress shopping! I don’t think this needs much explanation. Just be sure that you’ve read this post first.

10. Design & Detail Inspiration – Remember back in the first 5 steps when I had you decide on your wedding style? Well with the second round of vendors you will meet with next (florals, decor, invitations, rentals, cake) you’ll need to have a good idea of what you want your wedding to be like, so it’s time to focus on design and details! Know that when I say “design and details”, it really just means what your wedding will look like. Design is more of a general term, and details is more of the specifics (and where your personality can really shine through too!). This too is something that requires lots of research… which in the wedding world we like to call INSPIRATION! I’m sure many of you have probably already started saving photos of things that you like and are Pinning away for your dream wedding. After all, this big, beautiful wedding world here on the internet does almost solely revolve around design and details! But you want to make sure that you have enough inspiration to be able to accurately convey to your potential vendors what it is you want for your wedding. And then in the same breath, you don’t want to have too much inspiration either! Here’s a post on design and details that should help… Oh and don’t forget to bring your inspiration with you to your consultations! You can probably even just pull up your Pinterest boards in your meetings.

Once you get to the last step for your first set of vendors, then move on to the next set! Wedding planning is like a roller coaster- you’ll go really fast at full-speed, then you’ll slow down, and then you’ll speed up again. Yes it’s normal, and it’s okay to have a lull in planning. Basically that roller coaster ride just keeps going until you get married.

Wow so that was LONG and absolutely FULL of information! I hope all of this will help some of you out and get you going on the right path as you start planning your wedding! There are of course other things that have to be done as you get closer to your wedding, but all of this will definitely get you started and prepare you for what is to come. And if you have any questions, please know that I’m here to answer them! (No really- all you have to do is go here and submit your question!) Or you can ask in the comments! Bear in mind there are no silly questions… you’ve never planned a wedding before, so how are you supposed to know?!

And remember, sometimes things are done differently depending on your own situation, so it’s totally fine if you don’t follow these steps exactly! In my experience as a wedding planner, this order has shown to be the best way to go. And most of all, don’t forget WHY you’re planning a wedding! HAPPY PLANNING!!!